Our premium signature blend, Fusion CBD combines multiple concentrated Hemp extracts to create a high CBD, high CBG broad spectrum blend.
- Stronger: 30mg CBD + 6mg CBG per serving
- Fusion: Benefit from 100+ cannabinoids in our signature blend
- Approx 210 servings per bottle
- 6300mg CBD per bottle
- 1260mg CBG per bottle
- 30ml bottle with Dropper
- 0.00% THC Guaranteed by third-party independant ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited Hemp & Cannabis testing lab
- Certified Less than 1mg THC in the entire container (30ml, 27.9g NET)
- EU Novel Food Application Hemp Sources Guaranteed (UK Legal 2021+)
Fusion bottles are supplied with a Glass pipette for serving, as this oil is quite thick and doesn’t spray very well. One serving is approx 3 drops. To maximise it’s shelf life, keep your oil in a cool dark place, always out of direct sunlight (in the box is fine) and always replace the cap when not in use.
* These are the minimum guaranteed totals of CBD & CBG in the bottle (30ml, 27.9g NET).