Strongman James Williams Joins Nordic

We’re excited to announce Amateur Strongman James Williams has joined Nordic Botanics as a sponsored athlete.

James stands at 6’3″ (1.91m) and weighs between 135kg-140kg through the year, with a mind-bending 260kg bench and 360kg deadlift, he’ll be competing in the Arnold Sports Amateur Strongman competition in Ohio in February 2019. James already holds the title of Isle Of Wight’s Strongest Man 2018.

As well as competing in Strongman full time, James is also a father with a full time job.

Pushing myself as an Open-class competitor in Strongman requires a full-time commitment, but unfortunately, it’s sport without much opportunity to go full time. That means, like many of the guys, I need to maintain a full-time job as well as my number 1 job in life which is being a father to my son.

Not only is the physical stress on my body a constant reminder of this workload, but I also struggle with the stress and anxiety of trying to balance it all.

James Williams, Amateur Open-Class Strongman & Isles Of Wight Strongest Man 2018

When Nordic approached me with their CBD oil, I’d heard of other athletes using it and figured it might help to reduce my day-to-day aches and joint pain. What I didn’t expect was just how much of a difference it would make, but what really surprised me, was how much it would help me to deal with the overloading stress from fitting everything in. Athlete mental health isn’t something that us men talk about often, but I think that needs to change.

Like most guys, I’m a skeptic until proven otherwise, so I used the oil (and more recently the muscle rub) for quite a while until I was confident it was actually working. I noticed my sleep improved and my body was coping with recovery much better. Especially when going for 1 rep maxes in big compound lifts like Deadlift, Squat, Benchpress and Log Press, I use the muscle rub every morning on my joints and combined with the oil, I’ve really noticed the difference.

Nordic Botanics products are now an everyday part of my training supplements, both for my physical health and more importantly, my overall mental balance.

James Williams, Amateur Open-Class Strongman & Isles Of Wight Strongest Man 2018

Supporting people like James who have such a passion for their sport and are already giving every last inch of themselves every day their responsibilities as an athlete and father are at the heart of why we created Nordic’s Athlete Sponsorship program. James is an inspiration to men and women everywhere, and we’re excited to see his career go from strength to strength!

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